We are a startup studio, growing our team with amazing talent like yours!
We currently have no job openings

We celebrate festivals!
We strongly believe in following our culture and so we celebrate all the festivals together! We sing, dance, share gifts, light firecrackers, and pray to the Almighty together. Your creative skills would definitely come in handy, because we love to decorate our workspace for events.

Weekend Activities!
We play songs on speaker and work on the last working day of the week and conclude our day with exciting, funny, and team-building activities!

We LOVE parties!
We just find reasons to party! Someone didn’t wear Tshirt on weekly Tshirt day, we ask for a Samosa Party. Somebody came late on a trip/festival day, Party. There’s a power cut or Internet outage, we sit, enjoy, and laugh together. It’s your Birthday, we’ll give you the Party!
Laughter Therapy Sessions!
No, don’t worry, we won’t ask you to randomly laugh anytime. It’s just our culture to sweet roast everyone and share joyful happy vibes around! And trust us, it always increases our productivity and efficiency.