Budget 2024: Key Points and Process


The Budget 2024 is a crucial financial document outlining the government’s income and expenditure for the upcoming fiscal year. Let’s break down the process, key points, and the responsible persons involved in its creation and submission.

Budget Process Overview

  1. Preparation: The budget preparation starts months in advance. Various government departments submit their financial needs and revenue estimates to the Ministry of Finance.
  2. Consultation: The Finance Ministry consults with various stakeholders, including economists, industry leaders, and policymakers, to gather inputs and suggestions.
  3. Drafting: Based on the inputs, the Finance Ministry drafts the budget. This draft includes proposals for taxes, subsidies, and expenditure on various sectors.
  4. Approval: The draft budget is then reviewed and approved by the Cabinet, the highest decision-making body in the government.
  5. Presentation: The final budget is presented to the Parliament by the Finance Minister, where it is debated and discussed.
  6. Implementation: Once approved by the Parliament, the budget is implemented from the beginning of the fiscal year, which starts on April 1st.

Key Points of Budget 2024

  1. Tax Reforms: Introduction of new tax slabs and reductions in certain taxes to ease the burden on middle-class families.
  2. Healthcare Spending: Significant increase in the healthcare budget to improve medical facilities and services across the country.
  3. Education Funding: Enhanced allocation for education, focusing on digital learning and infrastructure development in schools and colleges.
  4. Infrastructure Development: Major investments in infrastructure projects, including roads, railways, and urban development to boost economic growth.
  5. Agricultural Support: Increased subsidies and financial aid for farmers to ensure better crop yields and income stability.
  6. Social Welfare: Expansion of social welfare schemes targeting poverty alleviation, women’s empowerment, and child development.
  7. Digital Economy: Emphasis on digital transformation with incentives for startups and technology-driven businesses.
  8. Climate Action: Allocation for environmental conservation projects and initiatives to combat climate change.

Responsible Persons

  1. Finance Minister: The primary person responsible for drafting and presenting the budget. For Budget 2024, the Finance Minister is Nirmala Sitharaman.
  2. Prime Minister: Provides strategic guidance and approves the final budget proposal.
  3. Cabinet Ministers: Each minister provides inputs for their respective ministries and helps in formulating the budget.
  4. Parliament: Members of Parliament debate, suggest amendments, and approve the budget.


The Budget 2024 aims to balance economic growth with social welfare, ensuring the holistic development of the country. It involves meticulous planning, consultations, and approvals from various key players in the government. The successful implementation of this budget will depend on efficient execution and constant monitoring of the proposed initiatives.
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